The answer is yes, but only up to the horsepower limit specified by the boat manufacturer when your boat was new.
Switching brands is usually not a problem. All outboards have the same bolt-hole patten, so unless there's an issue with engine spacing, hanging the motor is not and issue. You may need to install new controls and instruments, but thats not always a bad idea anyway.
Maybe. If your boat is currently all analog-- a pre-digital engine, cable controls and analog instruments -- a new motor may not be compatible with those controls and instruments. Instrument compatibility gets more complicated because it can depend on whether your boat is currently rigged with gauges that match the engine brand, or those from another supplier.
All outboards are offered in White or Black
4" Analog Tach- available with or without monitors.
View important engine information including RPM, speed, trim angle, engine temp, fuel economy, and engine alarms
Available in a Binnacle or Side mount. (Side mount control includes a key switch and stop switch build in, whereas a binnacle mount has a separate key switch and stop switch
**Please call for availability**
Operation from the remote control is delivers to the outboard via an electric signal and no by the traditional mechanical control cables. (Available in 115-350HP only)
Effortless shifting and throttle every time, easy rigging , maintenance free (no more stiff or broken control cables), and increased fuel efficiency.
Love your hull but need a new engine?
The hull is a major factor in determine boat functionality. Depending on what you do with you boat- you've more than likely have it rigged the way you want it and spent hours and a lot of money doing so.
No desire to go bigger or smaller, and made a lot of memories.
Many authorized dealer in saltwater markets just won't perform service on motors more than 10 years old. It is very difficult to source parts for older motors and they become unreilable which is hard to keep customers happy.
Tired of not being able to find anybody to work on your engine?
If you are still running a carbureted or EFI two-stroke outboard you can expect to get 25 to 30% improvement in fuel economy and range by upgrading to a new Fuel Injected Four-Stroke outboard.
Want better fuel economy?
In Florida, many customers swap out outboard every three to five years or after 1000 to 1500 hours of use.
Don't let your current motor be a source of headaches.
Digital controls, power steering, digital instrumentation and data displats, auto trim- all the cool stuff that wasn't available when your old motor was built.
Make your experience more enjoyable and your boat feel like new.
"Sticker shock is a key reason for repowering. . ."
Motors get tired and a new boat can cost upwards of three times what you paid for your current boat when it was new 10 years ago.
If it's a desirable boat with a tired motor.