Unlike any other brushless motor, MOVE was built using the Power Unity System. This means every component designed for our brushless motor is custom-engineered to optimize every aspect of performance. This allows MOVE to deliver more power at significantly lower RPMs resulting in incredible thrust, unparalleled efficiency and a whisper-silent operation on a level never known to be possible.
Quickly and quietly maneuvers your boat into perfect GPD Position.
Keeps your boat on a straight line heading.
Travels toward a selected compass heading.
Use Power-Pole app with ProNav or compatible MFD to set a route to navigate
Available in White or Black
Shaft Size: 45" 52" 60" 72"
Ready to work in both 24 and 36V battery configurations
You can power up and change it without a problem
Easy Step-and-Stow Deployment
Quick Release Mount, 2 Wireless Remotes, and a Mountable Charging Cradle.
Available in White or Black
Shaft Size: 45" 52" 60"
Ready to work in both 24 and 36V battery configurations
You can power up and change it without a problem
Easy Lift-Assist Deployment (scissor lift)
RealFeel Foot Pedal, Wireless Foot Buttons, Wireless Info Display
Wireless Remote, and Mountable Charging Cradle.
Add on: Lowarance Transducer